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The European Powerlifting Federation and France Powerlifting Federation welcome you to the European University Cup Classic Powerlifting, Albi, France, 16th to 18th March 2023.  123 student athletes will be competing with 64 males and 59 females present from many European nations.

Albi is a town on the Tarn River in southern France, northeast of Toulouse. Albi is best known for its beautiful 13th-century, red-brick Sainte-Cécile Cathedral, the amazing 1,000 year old bridge and the Fashion and Toulouse Lautrec museums.

The town was built around the original cathedral and this historic heart of the city covers 63 hectares with large interior frescoes such as the dramatic “Last Judgment.”

Next to the cathedral stands the similarly massive and fortified Bishop's palace, part of which now houses the magnificent Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec - Salon rue des Moulins. Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, 1864-1901, was the great post-impressionist iconographer of Parisian life in the late nineteenth century; he was a native of Albi, and the museum hosts the largest collection of his work, along with a representative collection of late 19th century French art.


Meet Director: M. GIROT Sylvain , e-mail: universitairealbi2023@gmail.com ,phone:+33761974107

Correspondence, visa: As above

Accommodation: As above

Transport, banquet: As above

Technical Secretary: M. Erick DECONINCK, e-mail epsylon_59@yahoo.fr phone +33689 87 35 66

Championship Secretary: Bjørn Astad, e-mail: bjorn@europowerlifting.

Venue: COSEC 271 Avenue Colonnel Teyssier

 Albi, France

Official Hotel:  Hotel Ibis Theatro, Albi             

Technical Meeting: Wednesday 15th March at 20:00 in the Hotel Ibis Theatro

All participating nations in European championships should be represented at the Technical Meeting. If a representative of a participating nation is absent at the Technical Meeting prior to the European championship or has not informed about his/her absence by confirming the participation of his/her federation’s nominated lifters (by e-mail) a fine of 250 Euro will be imposed to the concerned national federation ( EPF By-laws 105.6).

The confirmation of absence from Technical Meeting must be sent between the date of the final nomination and the start of the Technical Meeting to the EPF Championship Secretary with a copy to the EPF Treasurer. The confirmation must include changes in the list of referees and changes in the final nomination.

An up-to-date timetable and further details and information of the event can be found on the EPF website. https://www.europowerlifting.org/fileadmin/data/events/2023/2023_02_University_France/2023_03_Timetable_Universty_cup_France_V3.pdf

Details of the event, photos, videos, and reports can also be found on the official EPF Facebook page. You can follow livestream of the event via the EPF homepage and EPF Facebook page.

Notes to editors Media accreditations will be provided, and Wi-Fi connection is available in the venue.

We look forward to welcoming you all to Albi!



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