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Invitation to the EPF General Assembly 2023

All EPF member federations are invited to the General Assembly 2023 with 2 delegates and one vote
Place: Vigsø Feriecenter - Thisted, Denmark
Date: Thursday 4th May 16:00 hours

Proposals and amendments

to the Constitution and By-Laws must be sent to the Secretary General Ralph Farquharson ralph(at)europowerlifting.com and President Arnulf Wahlstrom arnulf(at)europowerlifting.com
by 5th March 2023


Bids for organising European championships 2026

must be sent to the Secretary General and the President  by 23rd March 2023
Please fill in the application form which can be downloaded from the EPF website or requested from the Secretary General.

Please be prepared to confirm your bids for organizing European championships in 2024 and 2025.

Nomination of candidates for EPF officers
must be sent Secretary General and President by 23rd March 2023
Election of all officers takes place every four years


1. Welcome by the President

2. Roll call of Nations and Delegates........................

3. President´s address................................................

4. Minutes of the last General Assembly

5. The Account with the balance sheet

     Treasurer’s report...................................................

     Auditor’s report......................................................

     Approval of budget for 2024………………………

6. Secretary General report.........................................

7. Vice President report………………………………….

8. Committee Reports……………………………………

9. Elections:
      President, Vice-president, Treasurer, Secretary General,
      Technical com. chair, Law and Legislation chair, Championship Secretary,
      2 Auditors, Chair of Women’s Committee.

10. Proposals

11. New member Applicants

12. Action on Delinquent Nations

13. Hall of Fame

14. Bids and confirmation on Future Championships

15. Any other Business

16. Adjournment



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International Powerlifting Federation European University Sports Association | EUSA