European Powerlifting Federation
European Open Women's Bench Press Championships,  Italy, Terni, 09-11.08.2012
TEAM SCORESHEET on  11th of August  2012
PL.    Name BY Weight WF All 3 Bench Press TOTAL W.pts. Pts.
 1 Finland
1 Virkkunen Susanna 1973 70,47 0,9903 150,0 155,0 155,0 150,0 148,50 12
1 Sandvik Marcela 1974 51,35 1,2588 110,0 112,5 128,0 112,5 141,61 12
5 Nokua Katariina 1973 100,98 0,8302 157,5 157,5 160,0 160,0 132,83 6
5 Uppala Tarja 1965 62,33 1,0827 110,0 110,0 117,5 110,0 119,09 6
6 Rajaniemi Annastiina 1985 62,17 1,0848 100,0 105,0 105,0 100,0 108,40 5
The Team of  Finland collected  41 points (650,57 w.pts.)
 2 Russia
1 Petrova Anastasia 1985 56,33 1,1712 122,5 127,5 132,5 132,5 155,19 12
1 Strufa Anastasya 1986 46,80 1,3490 102,5 107,5 112,5 112,5 151,76 12
3 Nelyubova Valentina 1966 63,08 1,0730 130,0 142,5 150,0 142,5 152,89 8
3 Golubeva Olga 1970 50,11 1,2825 100,0 107,5 112,5 107,5 137,87 8
The Team of  Russia collected  40 points (597,71 w.pts.)
Samarina Natalia 1984 67,99 1,0154 160,0 160,0 160,0 Out   0
Dubenskaya Maria 1988 60,45 1,1085 140,0 140,0 140,0 Out   0
Yadrihinskaya Yulia 1980 61,05 1,1000 145,0 145,0 145,0 Out   0
 3 Sweden
1 Johansson Maria 1984 83,20 0,8961 165,0 167,5 172,5 167,5 150,10 12
2 Arvidson Karolina 1985 71,72 0,9786 140,0 145,0 145,0 145,0 141,89 9
2 Eriksson Nina 1989 51,95 1,2475 107,5 112,5 120,0 112,5 140,35 9
4 Werngren Josephine 1976 62,75 1,0772 112,5 117,5 122,5 117,5 126,50 7
The Team of  Sweden collected  37 points (558,91 w.pts.)
 4 Hungary
3 Szabo Agnes 1988 108,96 0,8147 175,0 182,5 195,0 182,5 148,69 8
3 Palagyi Zsanett 1986 56,13 1,1745 102,5 102,5 107,5 107,5 126,26 8
4 Koteles Maria 1992 127,30 0,7913 145,0 160,0 162,5 162,5 128,59 7
5 Kovacs Eszter 1992 56,83 1,1631 95,0 102,5 107,5 102,5 119,21 6
5 Petroczki Magdolna 1968 50,63 1,2724 80,0 85,0 90,0 85,0 108,16 6
The Team of  Hungary collected  35 points (630,91 w.pts.)
 5 Netherlands
2 Van de Meulen Brenda 1978 111,97 0,8101 170,0 177,5 185,0 185,0 149,87 9
2 Strik Ielja 1973 83,48 0,8945 167,5 170,0 170,0 167,5 149,83 9
4 Timmers Ankie 1986 71,85 0,9774 130,0 132,5 130,0 127,00 7
The Team of  Netherlands collected  25 points (426,76 w.pts.)
 6 Czechia
3 Takacova Hana 1954 83,80 0,8928 135,0 142,5 142,5 135,0 120,50 8
4 Polakova Daniela 1976 55,42 1,1863 100,0 105,0 107,5 105,0 124,55 7
4 Krcmarova Alena 1975 75,96 0,9432 85,0 90,0 92,5 90,0 84,88 7
The Team of  Czechia collected  22 points (329,97 w.pts.)
 7 Italy
1 Orsini Antonietta 1964 62,38 1,0821 140,0 142,5 145,0 145,0 156,89 12
3 Peti Barbara 1976 46,56 1,3540 70,0 70,0 75,0 70,0 94,78 8
The Team of  Italy collected  20 points (251,68 w.pts.)
 8 Germany
5 Roder Vivien 1988 70,79 0,9872 112,5 120,0 122,5 120,0 118,40 6
6 Cichon Susann 1987 56,69 1,1654 80,0 82,5 87,5 82,5 96,14 5
7 Rummel Martina 1976 53,63 1,2171 80,0 85,0 87,5 80,0 97,36 4
7 Kist Claudia 1977 58,52 1,1368 80,0 85,0 87,5 85,0 96,62 4
The Team of  Germany collected  19 points (408,59 w.pts.)
 9 France
2 Pracella Marie Christine 1965 56,01 1,1764 110,0 112,5 115,0 115,0 135,29 9
6 Duhem Leila 1963 98,98 0,8351 147,5 150,0 157,5 157,5 131,53 5
The Team of  France collected  14 points (266,82 w.pts.)
Bouvard Marianne 1976 51,43 1,2573 95,0 95,0 95,0 Out   0
 10 Norway
1 Hugdal Hildeborg 1983 128,14 0,7904 182,5 187,5 206,0 206,0 162,81 12
The Team of  Norway collected  12 points (162,81 w.pts.)
 11 Denmark
2 Rames Maj 1989 62,37 1,0822 140,0 142,5 145,0 142,5 154,21 9
The Team of  Denmark collected  9 points (154,21 w.pts.)
 12 Austria
2 Schwengl Ilka 1965 47,00 1,3449 107,5 110,0 115,0 110,0 147,90 9
The Team of  Austria collected  9 points (147,93 w.pts.)
Wienroither Bianca 1984 71,46 0,9810 125,0 125,0 125,0 Out   0
 13 Poland
3 Radwanska Jadwiga 1975 61,18 1,0983 110,0 115,0 120,0 120,0 131,79 8
The Team of  Poland collected  8 points (131,79 w.pts.)
 14 Slovakia
4 Gavornikova Monika 1974 51,67 1,2528 95,0 95,0 102,5 102,5 128,41 7
The Team of  Slovakia collected  7 points (128,40 w.pts.)