European Women's Bench Press Championships, Tampere (Finland), 16-19.10.2019
Rnk    Lifters d.o.b. Team BWT Lot 1 Att. 2 Att. 3 Att. Result IPF Pts Pts
1. Demian Zina 1997 UKR 46,85 1 45,0 50,0 55,0 55,0 455,41 12
1. Smolekho Tatiana 1996 RUS 51,69 4 112,5 115,0 117,5 117,5 699,61 12
2. Goncharenko Alena 1997 RUS 50,86 2 107,5 107,5 112,5 107,5 663,87 9
3. Turkova Denisa 2003 CZE 51,46 3 60,0 65,0 65,0 65,0 482,00 8
1. Chashchukhina Veronika 2000 RUS 56,21 5 105,0 112,5 117,5 105,0 620,70 12
2. Sabathy Marlene 1996 AUT 56,18 6 87,5 92,5 97,5 92,5 572,72 9
Usova Veronika 1998 RUS 56,63 7 117,5 117,5 117,5 DSQ
1. Churilova Nadezhda 1996 RUS 62,00 9 122,5 130,0 137,5 122,5 655,89 12
2. Mikulasova Natalia 1999 SVK 62,41 10 92,5 95,0 100,0 100,0 574,70 9
3. Szabo Lili 2000 HUN 62,34 11 70,0 85,0 95,0 85,0 522,11 8
Kals Carina 1996 AUT 62,78 8 95,0 95,0 95,0 DSQ
1. Cherkashova Ekaterina 1997 RUS 69,02 15 137,5 142,5 147,5 147,5 707,46 12
2. Mikryukova Anna 1999 RUS 66,26 13 130,0 137,5 142,5 137,5 687,21 9
3. Johansson Emma 1996 SWE 70,32 14 135,0 140,0 145,0 135,0 661,54 8
4. Dankova Lucie 2000 CZE 70,46 16 107,5 115,0 115,0 115,0 596,93 7
5. Herrmannova Tereza 1999 CZE 70,70 12 105,0 112,5 117,5 112,5 588,16 6
1. Engskar Ramsrud Marthe 1999 NOR 81,42 17 157,5 162,5 165,0 165,0 711,61 12
2. Okhorzina Anastasiia 1997 RUS 76,91 18 120,0 132,5 137,5 132,5 630,70 9
1. Nikolaenko Alina 1997 RUS 88,72 19 132,5 132,5 132,5 132,5 599,67 12
Nation (points)
1.  Russia 60   [12+12+12+12+12]   3283,32 IPF Pts
2.  Czechia 21   [8+7+6]   1667,09 IPF Pts
3.  Norway 12   [12]   711,61 IPF Pts
4.  Ukraine 12   [12]   455,41 IPF Pts
5.  Slovakia 9   [9]   574,70 IPF Pts
6.  Austria 9   [9]   572,72 IPF Pts
7.  Sweden 8   [8]   661,54 IPF Pts
8.  Hungary 8   [8]   522,11 IPF Pts
Best Lifters of Juniors by IPF Points System
Rnk   Lifter  Nation Bwt Result IPF Points C.Rnk
1. Engskar Ramsrud Marthe Norway 81,42 165,0 711,6063 1
2. Cherkashova Ekaterina Russia 69,02 147,5 707,4568 1
3. Smolekho Tatiana Russia 51,69 117,5 699,6072 1
Masters 1
1. Bergmann Vibeke 1979 DEN 45,71 3 65,0 70,0 70,0 65,0 507,13 12
2. Ronkainen Katja 1973 FIN 46,64 2 50,0 55,0 55,0 55,0 456,22 9
1. Nyers Monika 1978 HUN 50,24 4 85,0 92,5 102,5 102,5 647,05 12
2. Hughes Amanda 1979 GBR 51,12 7 50,0 72,5 75,0 75,0 525,31 9
1. Salamon Erika 1973 HUN 56,00 11 102,5 112,5 115,0 112,5 650,78 12
1. Heikkila Anne 1978 FIN 62,20 17 102,5 105,0 107,5 105,0 593,14 12
2. Izindre Annelie 1972 SWE 60,81 16 100,0 102,5 105,0 100,0 580,90 9
1. Voho Tiina 1973 FIN 71,31 22 110,0 115,0 117,5 117,5 602,14 12
2. Johansson Ulrika 1972 SWE 68,75 24 115,0 115,0 117,5 115,0 602,67 9
3. Kirkland Wendie 1972 GBR 70,59 20 105,0 110,0 115,0 115,0 596,50 8
4. Ruus Katarina 1977 SWE 71,12 23 110,0 115,0 117,5 115,0 594,80 7
5. Ristolainen Paivi 1970 FIN 71,44 21 72,5 75,0 75,0 72,5 459,04 6
1. Kristensen Linda 1977 NOR 80,26 29 152,5 160,0    X 160,0 701,12 12*
2. Linna Joanna 1974 FIN 83,58 26 60,0 125,0 130,0 125,0 590,60 9
3. Kudriavtceva Ellina 1975 RUS 79,54 30 115,0 115,0 125,0 115,0 571,43 8
Karppinen Terhi 1976 FIN 76,74 29 100,0 100,0 100,0 DSQ
Rohr Pernilla 1972 SWE 83,52 28 125,0 125,0 125,0 DSQ
1. Elokhova Svetlana 1971 RUS 136,97 33 155,0 160,0 165,0 160,0 591,38 12
2. Bouskill Sarah 1979 GBR 119,69 34 130,0 155,0 160,0 130,0 544,22 9
Nation (points)
1.  Finland 48   [12+12+9+9+6]   2701,14 IPF Pts
2.  Great Britain 26   [9+9+8]   1666,03 IPF Pts
3.  Sweden 25   [9+9+7]   1778,37 IPF Pts
4.  Hungary 24   [12+12]   1297,83 IPF Pts
5.  Russia 20   [12+8]   1162,80 IPF Pts
6.  Norway 12   [12]   701,12 IPF Pts
7.  Denmark 12   [12]   507,13 IPF Pts
Best Lifters of Masters 1 by IPF Points System
Rnk   Lifter  Nation Bwt Result IPF Points C.Rnk
1. Kristensen Linda Norway 80,26 160,0 701,1194 1
2. Salamon Erika Hungary 56,00 112,5 650,7835 1
3. Nyers Monika Hungary 50,24 102,5 647,0473 1
Masters 2
1. Petroczki Magdolna 1968 HUN 51,26 3 75,0 80,0 85,0 85,0 566,62 12
1. Pajuharju Eira 1964 FIN 55,80 11 70,0 75,0 80,0 75,0 506,65 12
1. Cabos Marie 1967 FRA 57,67 15 90,0 95,0 100,0 100,0 594,45 12
2. Angenot Sophie 1966 FRA 61,20 13 75,0 80,0 80,0 75,0 489,91 9
3. Magazing Larisa 1965 RUS 59,82 14 65,0 70,0 75,0 70,0 475,57 8
1. Skogman Seija 1965 FIN 68,69 19 80,0 85,0 90,0 85,0 504,93 12
1. Gransard Nathalie 1964 FRA 94,58 31 110,0 112,5 115,0 112,5 534,96 12
2. Jordebo Ann 1960 SWE 100,98 32 105,0 112,5 115,0 105,0 506,54 9
Nation (points)
1.  France 33   [12+12+9]   1619,32 IPF Pts
2.  Finland 24   [12+12]   1011,58 IPF Pts
3.  Hungary 12   [12]   566,62 IPF Pts
4.  Sweden 9   [9]   506,54 IPF Pts
5.  Russia 8   [8]   475,57 IPF Pts
Best Lifters of Masters 2 by IPF Points System
Rnk   Lifter  Nation Bwt Result IPF Points C.Rnk
1. Cabos Marie France 57,67 100,0 594,4452 1
2. Petroczki Magdolna Hungary 51,26 85,0 566,6243 1
3. Gransard Nathalie France 94,58 112,5 534,9643 1
Masters 3
1. Knutars Aira 1954 FIN 51,34 5 70,0 72,5 75,0 75,0 524,32 12
2. Roche Martine 1956 FRA 50,10 4 65,0 67,5 72,5 72,5 519,34 9
1. Kemppainen Pirjo 1951 FIN 55,19 10 30,0 32,5 35,0 35,0 352,29 12
1. Herbin Evelyne 1956 FRA 68,58 18 80,0 85,0 87,5 85,0 505,19 12
1. Mynttinen Merja 1958 FIN 82,42 25 100,0 105,0 110,0 105,0 536,04 12
Nation (points)
1.  Finland 36   [12+12+12]   1412,65 IPF Pts
2.  France 21   [12+9]   1024,53 IPF Pts
Best Lifters of Masters 3 by IPF Points System
Rnk   Lifter  Nation Bwt Result IPF Points C.Rnk
1. Mynttinen Merja Finland 82,42 105,0 536,0377 1
2. Knutars Aira Finland 51,34 75,0 524,3194 1
3. Roche Martine France 50,10 72,5 519,3365 2
Masters 4
1. Kumpuniemi Eila 1942 FIN 45,87 1 37,5 42,5 45,0 45,0 412,23 12
1. Heligon Francoise 1943 FRA 55,07 9 65,0 65,0 71,0-w4 71,0 493,58 12
Nation (points)
1.  France 12   [12]   493,58 IPF Pts
2.  Finland 12   [12]   412,23 IPF Pts
Best Lifters of Masters 4 by IPF Points System
Rnk   Lifter  Nation Bwt Result IPF Points C.Rnk
1. Heligon Francoise France 55,07 71,0 493,5788 1
2. Kumpuniemi Eila Finland 45,87 45,0 412,2333 1
nb - New pers. bestlifts; n - National Record; c - Continental Record; w - World Record; cp - Competition's Record;
1..4 - Master's Record; j - Junior's Record; s - Subjunior's Record; ps. - Personally; X - the refused attempt.
DSQ - Disqualification; DR - Removed by a Doctor; TD - Technical Disqualification; DD - Doping Disqualification.
AUT = Austria GBR = Great Britain SWE = Sweden
CZE = Czechia HUN = Hungary UKR = Ukraine
DEN = Denmark NOR = Norway
FIN = Finland RUS = Russia
FRA = France SVK = Slovakia